1.2.1 Number of Add on /Certificate/Value added programs offered andonline MOOC programs like SWAYAM, NPTEL etc. where the students of the institution have benefittedduringthelastfiveyears)

 Findings of DVV:Provide summary report of sustainable agriculture, Value Education, EmployabilitySkill Enhancement course, Event Management Certificate course, Certificate programme in Banking and Insurance, Certificate course in Web Designing, ManavyaVidnyan Hindi Certificate, ModiLipi training course, Diploma course in Medical Laboratory Technology and Diploma course in Sericulture along with duration and list of students enrolled.

HEI Input: Click here to view clarification and documentation


1.2.2 Percentage of students enrolled in Certificate/ Add-on/Value added programs and also completed online MOOC programs like SWAYAM, NPTEL etc.as against the total number of students during the last five years

Findings of DVV: Provide the certificates of any ten students enrolled in Value Education.

HEI Input: Click here to view  certificates of ten students enrolled in Value Education


1.3.2. Percentage of students undertaking project work/field work/internship (Data for the latest completed academic year)

Findings of DVV: 1. Provide Internship completion certificate / project work completion certificate of any 10 students from the organisation where internship / project work was completed along with the duration.

Findings of DVV: 2. Provide report of the field visit / sample photographs of the field visit / permission letter from the competent authority

HEI Input: Click here to view input on Findings of DVV 1.3.2


1.4.1. Institution obtains feedback on the academic performance and ambience of the institution from various stakeholders, such as Students, Teachers, Employers, Alumni etc. and action taken report on the feedback is made available on institutional website

Findings of DVV: Provide sample filled feedback forms 1) Students, 2) Teachers, 3) Employers and 4) Alumni on the syllabus and its transaction at the institution for the year 2021-22

HEI Input: Click here to view input on Findings of DVV 1.4.1

2.1.1. Number of seats filled year wise during last five years (Only first year admissions to be considered)

DVV Findings : Provide Document relating to Sanction of intake and Approved admission list program-wise from affiliating University/Government/statutory body for the year 2017-18 , 2018-19 and 2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22.

HEI Input: : Click here to view clarification on findings of DVV on 2.1.1


2.1.2. Percentage of seats filled against reserved categories (SC, ST, OBC etc.) as per applicable reservation policy for the first year admission during the last five years

HEI Input : Click here to view clarification on findings of DVV on 2.1.2


2.2.1   Student full time teacher ratio

Findings of DVV: Provide appointment letter of Kushare Sopan Karbhari, Gadakh Sujata Shivaji, Ahire Ravindra Ashok, Pakdhane Smita Namdeo, Jadhav Revita Punjaram, Jadhav Rupali Madhukar, Patil Rakhi Madhukar, Khatale Akshay Ramchandra, Murkute Shradha Sunil and Pawar Yogita Shrawan

 HEI Input: Click here to view clarification Findings of DVV: Sanction letters (in English) indicating number of posts (including Management sanctioned posts) by competent authority.

HEI Input: Click here to view clarification


2.4.2.Number of full time teachers with NET/ SET/ SLET/ Ph. D. / D.Sc. / D.Litt. year wise during the last five years

 Findings of DVV: Provide Doctorate Degree of Kushare Sopan Karbhari, Gadakh Sujata Shivaji, Ahire Ravindra Ashok, Pakdhane Smita Namdeo, Jadhav Revita Punjaram, Jadhav Rupali Madhukar, Patil Rakhi Madhukar, Khatale Akshay Ramchandra, Murkute Shradha Sunil and Pawar Yogita Shrawan awarded by UGC recognized Universities

 HEI Input: Click here to view clarification


2.6.3 Pass percentage of Students during last five years

Findings of DVV: 1. Result sheet published by the affiliating university  2. Certified report from Head of the institution / Controller of Examination of the affiliating university indicating pass percentage of students of the final year (final semester) eligible for the degree program- wise / year-wise.

HEI Input: Click here to view clarification

3.1.1. Total grants from Government and non-governmental agencies for research projects, endowments in the institution during the last five years (INR in Lakhs)
Findings of DVV: Provide E-copies of the letters of the award for
1. Isolation and Identification of Laccase producing Microorganisms: Enzyme Characterization and its Environmental
2. Synthesis and antifungal activity of novel triazole and imidazole derivatives.
3. Investigation and Mapping of Geomorphosites for Geotourism Development in Nashik District: a Geoinformatics
4. Isolation, Identification of Chitosan & Chitooligosacchride producing micro-organisms and to study their potential in management of chitinous waste generated from marine sources in Thane district west coast sponsored by Government and non-government

HEI Input: Click here to view clarification document of findings on DVV


3.2.2. Total number of workshops / seminars / conferences including on Research Methodology, Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and entrepreneurship conducted during the last five years.

 Findings of DVV: Provide detailed report for Research Project Methodology And Scientific Writing, Confectionery Workshop, Workshop on Super Food Spirulina, Bakery Workshop, Opportunities for skill oriented employment in Rural Development, Online Workshop on 'Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Patents and Design Filing', Lecture on Career Opportunity for Microbiology in Pharma and Online Guest Lecture Skill Development- I for PG Students with photograph with date and captions; title of the workshops / seminars conducted signed by competent authority.

HEI Inputs: Click here to view clarification document of findings on DVV of 3.2.2


3.3.1. Number of research papers per teachers in the Journals notified on UGC website during the last five years.

 Findings of DVV: Provide web-link provided by the institution in the template which redirects to the journal webpage published in UGC notified list.

HEI Inputs: View supportive documents of web-link provided by the institution in the template which redirects to the journal webpage published in UGC notified list.


3.3.2. Total number of books and chapters in edited volumes/books published and papers in national/ international conference proceedings year wise during the last five years.

Findings of DVV: Provide Cover page, content page and first page of 1) Samkalin Manavi Hakk 2)Feminism (Past and Present) 3)Feminism (Status and Goals) 4)Sustainable Development for society, Industrial Development, Material, Energy and Environment: Key issues, opportunities and challenges 5)Prabhakar Machaveke Upanyaso me Samajik Chetana 6)Bharat Kal Aur Aaj 7)Sahitya me ParyavaranVimarsh 8)Dalit Sahitya:Vaicharik Chetana with ISBN numbers, title, author, Department/ School/ Division/ Centre/ Unit/ Cell, name and year of publication.

HEI Inputs: Click here to view clarification document of findings on DVV of 3.3.2


3.4.3  Number of extension and outreach Programmes conducted by the institution through NSS/ NCC/ Red Cross/ YRC etc., ( including the programmes such as Swachh Bharat, AIDS awareness, Gender issues etc. and/or  those organised in collaboration with industry, community and NGOs during the last five years 2017-22.

 Findings of DVV: Links / uploads of photographs (Preferably with banner) and any other supporting document of relevance should have proper captions and dates.

HEI Inputs: Click here to view Links / uploads of photographs (Preferably with banner) and any other supporting document of relevance should have proper captions and dates.


3.5.1 Number of functional MoUs/ /linkages with institutions / Industries in India and abroad for internship, on-the - job training, project work, Student /Faculty exchange, and collaborative research during the last five years.

 Findings of DVV: 1. Copies of MoU / Collaboration/ related documents indicating the nature of collaboration and activities year-wise. 2. List of activities conducted under each MoU along with dates of starting and completion year wise signed by both parties.

  HEI Inputs: Click here to view supportive documents of inputs on DVV of 3.5.1

4.1.2. Expenditure for infrastructure development and augmentation, excluding salary year wise during last five years (INR in Lakhs)

Findings of DVV  

1. Provide the consolidated Fund allocation towards infrastructure augmentation facilities duly certified by Principal and CA.

2. Highlight the relevant items in the audited income and expenditure statement:

HEI Input : Click here to view clarification or HEI input on DVV of 4.1.2


4.3.2 Student – Computer ratio (Data for the latest completed academic year)

DVV Findings: Provide Bills for the purchase of Computers. Provide the stock register in which highlight the entries of computers purchased in 2021 -2022.

HEI Input:Click here to view clarification or HEI input on DVV of 4.3.2


4.4.1 Percentage expenditure incurred on maintenance of physical facilities and academic support facilities excluding salary component during the last five years (INR in Lakhs)

DVV Findings : Provide audited income and expenditure statement highlighting the items of expenditure incurred on maintenance of physical facilities and academic support facilities, duly certified by Principal and CA.

HEI Input: Click here to view clarification or HEI input on DVV of 4.4.1

5.1.1. Number of students benefited by scholarships and free ships provided by the Government and Non-Government agencies and philanthropists year wise during last five years

 Findings of DVV: 1. Provide sanction letter of any 10 students benefited by schemes for 2017-18, 2018-10, 2019-20, 2020-21, 2021 -22. Year wise list of the students in each scheme to be attested by competent authority.

Findings of DVV: 2. Year wise list of students in each scheme to be attested by the competent authority

Findings of DVV: 3.Upload policy document of HEI for award of Non-Government Scholarships and Free ships

HEI Input: Click here to view clarification and supportive documents of HEI on DVV findings 5.1.1



5.1.2 Capacity building and skills enhancement initiatives taken by the institution include the following

  1. Soft skills
  2. Language and communications skills
  3. Life skills (Yoga, physical fitness, health and hygiene)
  4. ICT/computing skills

Response: All of the above

Findings of DVV: a) Provide Web-link to 1. Soft Skills 2. Language and communication skills 3. Life skills (Yoga, physical fitness, health and hygiene) 4. ICT/ Computing skills for 2021-22. B) Provide copy of circular/ brochure/ report of event with Geo-tagged photographs with date and caption for 1. Soft Skills 2. Language and communication skills 3. Life skills (Yoga, physical fitness, health and hygiene)

HEI input: Click on each document to view HEI input on DVV findings 5.1.2


5.1.3 Percentage of students benefitted by guidance for competitive examinations and career counseling offered by the Institution during the last five years.

 Findings of DVV: Provide copy of circular/ brochure of five days lecture series on importance of Economics in Competitive Examinations, online lecture series for competitive achievers of college in Association with Ashoka carrier academy, Guidance for NET/ SET/ PET & MPSC competitive examination, Pre IAS training in collaboration with the Joint Director, Pune, Lecture for Competitive Examination, Banking and Railways Recruitment Examination Preparation and General Knowledge examination along with year- wise list of students attending each of these schemes signed by competent authority.

 HEI Inputs:  Click here to view DVV HEI input on 5.1.3


5.1.4 The Institution has a transparent mechanism for timely redressal of student grievances including sexual harassment and ragging cases

  1. Implementation of guidelines of statutory /regulatory bodies
  2. Organization wide awareness and undertakings on policies with zero tolerance
  3. Mechanisms for submission of online/ offline students’ grievances
  4. Timely redressal of the grievances through appropriate committee

Findings of DVV: 1.Proof of constitution of Internal Committees/ Grievances committee formation/ other committees as per UGC norms.

2. Circular/ web-link/ committee report justifying the objectives of the metric. 3. Minutes of the meetings of student grievance committee, as per metric

HEI Inputs:Click here to view HEI Input on DVV of 5.1.4


5.2.1 Percentage of placement of outgoing students and students progressing to higher education during the last five years

Findings of DVV: 1. ‘Provide appointment letter or offer letter of Ghuge Prasad Sanjay, Gujar Kajal Yuvraj, Gunjal Vishal Chandu, Jadhav Jyoti Shantaram, Jadhav Rohit Dilip, Jagdhane Abhishek Shivaji, Jagtap Dhanashree Prakash and Kale Mayiuri Balasaheb for 2017-18, 2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22.’

HEI Input: Click here to view clarification on DVV 5.2.1


5.2.2 Percentage of students qualifying in state/national/ international level examinations during the last five years (eg: JAM/GATE/ CLAT/GMAT/CAT/GRE/ TOEFL/ Civil Services/State government examinations, )

Findings of DVV: Provide Qualifying Certificates of Dwivedi Anand Arunkumar, Dattatreya Ramnath Palde, Abhinay Subhash Mandawade, Laxmi Dilip Sonawane, Laxman Namdeo Bhoye, Kharde Divya Shivram, Rothe Anjali Chhagan and Damini Vishwajeet Kshirsagar taking the examination for the year 2017-18, 2018019, 2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22.

HEI Input: Click here to view clarification document of DVV findings HEI inout 5.2.2


5.3.1 Number of awards/medals for outstanding performance in sports/cultural activities at University state /national / international level (award for a team event should be counted as one) during the last five years (2017-2018 TO 2021-2022)

Findings of DVV: Provide e-copies of awrd letters and certificates for Volleyball, Powerlifting, Athletics, Water Polo, Rope Malkhamb, Kabadi, Cross       Country, Ball Badminton for 2017-18, 2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22.

HIE input: Click here to view clarification on findings of DVV 5.3.1

5.3.2 Average number of sports and cultural programs in which students of the Institution participated during last five years (organized by the institution/other institutions)

Findings of DVV: 1. Soft copy of circular/ brochure indicating such kind of activities. (Volleyball, Power Lifting Athletics, Water Polo, Rope Malkhamb, Kabadi, Cross Country, Ball Badminton) 2. List of along with the list of participants and year wise signed by the principal

HEI Input: Click here to view clarification on findings of DVV 5.3.2

6.2.2 Implementation of e-governance in its operation

  1. Admission
  2. Finance and Accounts
  3. Student Admission and Support
  4. Examination

   DVV Findings

  1. Institutional Expenditure statements for the head of e-governance implementation reflected in the audited statement

      2. Link to the ERP Document and Screen Shot of User Interfaces of each module reflecting the name of HEI

      3. Annual e-governance report approved by Governing Council

      4.Policy Document on e-governance

HEI Input: Click here to view DVV findings HEI input 6.2.2


6.3.2. Percentage of teachers provided with financial support to attend conferences/ workshops and towards membership fee of professional bodies during the last five years.

 DVV Findings: 1. E-copy of letter/s indicating financial assistance to teachers , 2. List of teachers receiving financial support year wise,  3.Audited statement of account highlighting the financial support.

HEI Input: Click here to view HEI input on DVV findings on 6.3.2


6.3.3 Percentage of teaching and non-teaching staff participating in Faculty development Programmes (FDP), professional development /administrative training programs during the last five years 2017-2022

HEI Input: Click here to view DVV findings HEI input on 6.3.3


6.5.2. Quality assurance initiatives of the institution include:

  1. Regular meeting of Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC); Feedback collected, analyzed and used for improvements
  2. Academic and Administrative Audit (AAA) and follow-up action taken
  3. Collaborative quality initiatives with other institution(s)/ membership of international networks
  4. Participation in NIRF
  5. Any other quality audit/accreditation recognized by state, national or international agencies such as NAAC, NBA etc

DVV Findings

  1. Proceedings of Meetings of IQAC and Action taken report on feedback analysis
  2. Supporting document links to be provided as per the option selected

HEI input: Click here to view DVV findings HEI input on  6.5.2

7.1.2 The Institution has facilities and initiatives:

Findings of DVV:a) Provide Geo tagged photographs of 2021-22

  1. Alternate sources of energy and energy conservation measures
  2. Management of the various types of degradable and non-degradable waste
  3. Water conservation
  4. Green campus initiatives
  5. Disabled-friendly, barrier free environment for

HEI Input: click here to view clarification on DVV 7.1.2


7.1.3 Quality audits on environment and energy regularly undertaken by the Institution.

Findings of DVV 1. Provide Certificate of (Green audit Energy audit Environment audit Clean and green campus recognitions / awards Beyond the campus environmental promotion activities) from the external accredited auditing agency (preferably government, concern department of affiliating university).

HEI Input: Click here to view clarification on DVV 7.1.3